Monday, July 2, 2007


Hi! Been silent for a while because I just did not think of any interesting to say.

Went back to work in a totally new enviroment. Must say that it is an eye opener for me. Did not realise that there are so many things to learn in that industry. Been there a month and sad to say that I still have not learnt 5% of the trade. I must thank my guru though. She has been very helpful cos my boss is not in most of the time. Thank you - Angeline.

Was not well recently and got myself worried sick thinking it is my heart which causes me to have difficulty in breathing. So I had to make an emergency appointment to consult my doc. He checked and finally found that it was the new medication that I took for balancing my hormornes. So he gave me something else to ease it. Phew!! I thought another angioplasty.

Another sad news. My uncle (late ah yee's husband) passed away on 28.6.07. If I had been a healthy baby, I would have been given to him for adoption. He adopted my half sister instead. He loved me as a daughter anyway cos I was a good girl since young. Ahem!! Ahem!!

I feel very sad for him cos he actually worked till he die. I believe many people goes through the same but then this uncle had a daughter who was married to quite a wealthy guy. She probably could not buy him a bungalow or employ maid for him but I am sure that she can offer a trip to nearby countries when he was ok, or maybe help pay some of his medical bills. When I went back to see him some time ago, he actually cried when talking about her.

I may sound cruel or maybe cocky but I just cannot accept her. With her is just hello - goodbye. Nothing more nothing less.

Hard to believe there are such children. Pray that God will wake them before it is too late. Hope that whatever ill-feelings there is between parents and children - all will be forgotten after a good sleep.